Traditional Shotokan Karate Clubs (TSKC)
Traditional Shotokan Karate Clubs have three dojo’s within south and west wales, the instructors have many years’ experience amongst themselves and have trained with some of the best instructors within the uk. (Dave Hazard, Geoff Thompson, Adian Trimble, Iain Abernethy, George Best, Billy Higgins and many more)
The benefits of Traditional Shotokan Karate are much more than just punching and kicking. It’s about personal development: confidence, respect, integrity, self-control and it can also help you to improve your self-esteem.
The age of beginners starts from 5 years of age and there is no limit after that with all students welcome.
TSKC classes consist of Kata, Kumite, Bunkai, Sparring and fitness with all students taking part on a weekly basis. Students enter Kata, Kumite and Juroken competitions.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for your first free lesson and experience “OSU”
Region: South & West Wales (Tuesday - Cornelly Community Centre 6pm to 7.30pm, Thursday - Pyle Life Centre 6-7pm, Monday & Friday - Port Talbot Bertha Road 6-7pm)
Founder & Chief Instructor: Dai TOUMBA Thomas 4th Dan.
Chief Instructor: Adrian Owen 3rd Dan
Club Instructors: Tracey Owen 2nd Dan