A comprehensive look into JION BUNKAI with Iain Abernethy

Aiki Shotokan Karate is very happy to host 

Iain Abernethy presenting a comprehensive look into JION BUNKAI

Places are limited so please book now!

No previous knowledge of this kata is required.

To book contact us via email or Whatsapp 07976 159696 

email: admin@aikikarate.co.uk


Event Details
club events
08 Mar 2025
Holy Trinity Church Centre, Chelmsford CM2 6HS
07976 159696
£40 per person
Almost three years ago now I first got in touch with Peter Consterdine as I felt that it was time for me to depart from the group that I then had not only my membership with, but also some 50 members. I recall clearly feeling nervous as I briefly waited for the phone to be answered, and the voice on the other end was Peter himself! It was a pleasure and relief to deal with such an encouraging and supportive organisation, which is why I am very happy to be a member of the BCKA. I'm also very happy that my own group, which is substantially larger and stronger than back then are also supported by Peter and Dawn. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Lee Mullan - Keiryu Practical Karate
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